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About Me

Hi! I'm Eryn; a nerdy, artsy person who loves making nerdy art.

How did Slide into my DMs Start?

Wow, it is a lot of work to be a great dungeon master.

Being a DM/GM is hard. When I first started out, I was scouring the internet for maps, items, storylines, side quests, monsters, stat blocks, minis, terrain, places to get character artwork or inspiration images, on and on. Eventually I realized that there wasn't one place I could go where I could get everything I needed for a session, especially if I didn't know EXACTLY what I was looking for before I started looking. So the idea for Slide into my DMs was born. A one-stop-shop for the DM who wants something new and original to bring to their table. In the beginning, it was my illustrator Alexandrea Mallia and I, making adventures, maps, items, and character renderings during quarantine. However, as the world re-opened, our lives got busy (I'm performing on stage and she's illustrating books now!!) and the business had to be restructured.


In its brand new form, Slide into my DMs provides Dice, Adventures Storylines, Tabletop Miniatures, and Maps that are ready to slot into any campaign, as well as Commissions to bring your wildest DM dreams to life. Not everyone is a writer that can 3D print minis and sculpt their own characters and paint terrain and make maps and create creature stat blocks. Luckily, I have all of those skills and I am more than happy to share some of that hard work with people who don't want to spend 150 hours learning Blender.


I can't wait to go on this adventure with you!

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What else am I up to?

I am also a performer!

Stories have always held a special place in my heart. Growing up, moving around all the time, I tended to get along better with characters in books than with my peers. I devoured novels and comic books, binged fantasy and science fiction, and could never get enough. As I got older, I switched from only reading and watching, to writing and performing and found that it seemed as natural as breathing. As I took to the stage, screen, or just living room floor, it became clear to everyone in my life that I was a storyteller. In college, I studied linguistics to fulfill my love of language, and film & media studies so that I could watch movies as homework.


After graduating I moved to Los Angeles and pursued a career in dance and acting. Voices, mannerisms, faces, all of it was fascinating, and I loved delving into every aspect of a character's world in order to bring the character to life not only on the page, but in front of an audience as well. I didn't start playing D&D in earnest until I moved to Los Angeles but once I started I was hooked. My first campaign was a table full of actors and silly people and solidified not just my love of the game, but also my love of being a dungeon master. Now I'm a dancer, actor, nerdy artist and proud forever DM, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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